Jozii Waabizii
Serving Minnesotans Water.jpg

Serving Minnesotans Water

Serving Minnesotans Water

A pedestal sits in the middle of the room with chairs placed around. On the pedestal, are a pitcher of water and a stack of cups.

The participants enter the room and the host asks them to take seats and make themselves comfortable.

The host is wearing a bag around their waste.

As the participants take their seats, the host approaches the pedestal.

The host begins unstacking the cups and filling them with the water from the pitcher.

The host grabs a couple of the filled cups and walks to participants.

The host reaches into their bag and pulls out a couple of pennies and nickels and then places them into the water filled cups. Then the host hands a participant a cup.

The host repeats this until every participant has been served a cup of water with pennies and nickels. 

Finally, the host suggests to the participants that they enjoy their water.

Serving Minnesotans Water.jpg